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Obsidian // Black // Chakra // Hamsa // 8mm // Bracelet

Obsidian // Black // Chakra // Hamsa // 8mm // Bracelet

Regular price $16.00 USD
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Black Obsidian // A mineral known for its honesty, power & quickness // Will show you where the flaws & blind spots are and how to eliminate them // Helps you to drop all limits & boundaries & really recognize that anything is possible // Helps to grow past our limits and get in touch with things hidden under the surface // Helps with excessive trauma, and best to use sparingly when working with the trauma & can be helpful to have someone to work with when difficult things come to the surface // Can be utilized to gather inner vision & find a course of action // A grounding & protecting stone, shielding one from physical and emotional harm // Shields against negativity both on the person and in the home by transmuting the negativity.

Chakra Healing Crystals // Corresponds to each of the chakras or centres of energy in the body // Helps to balance the chakras & improve overall wellbeing // There are 7 different chakras that are believed to distribute the energies of life throughout our bodies

Hamsa Hand // A universal sign of protection, power & strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia // A symbol that has been used for centuries in many different culture // The word Hamsa comes from the Hebrew word for “five”, which is hamesh. This is because the Hamsa Hand has five fingers // Has multiple meanings depending on the culture you are looking at it from // There are many different interpretations of the Hamsa hand, but one thing that all cultures agree on is that it is a protective symbol // The Hamsa hand is often worn as a piece of jewelry or displayed in homes to ward off evil spirits // Amulet is specifically used to protect against the Evil Eye // The Evil Eye is a negative force that is said to bring bad luck & misfortune to those who are affected by it // It is believed that the Hamsa hand can protect against the Evil Eye by deflecting the negative energy away from the wearer // Many people choose to wear the Hamsa hand because they believe it will protect them from harm // Others wear it as a reminder to stay true to their faith.


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